BlackEye Phishing Kit in Python w Serveo Subdomain Creation | Educational Purposes Only is an alternative for ngrok. taichunmin/serveo can let you secure URL to your localhost server through any NAT or firewall in Docker. And taichunmin/serveo-server can let you host y... is an alternative for ngrok. taichunmin/serveo-server can let you host your own serveo. And taichunmin/serveo can let you secure URL to your localhost server through any NAT or fire...
Use ngrok for more than the 8 hours limit
This tool is phishing tool. Easy to use.
This tool is used to hack microphone of target device.
A very very very light script to create and run a permanent SSH tunnel via using systemd.
Accurately Locate Smartphones using Social Engineering
A networking tool that can expose local networks to the Internet with SSH tunnels. It leverages the capabilities of the open-source project Serveo
There are some method to call the or dialogflow . One of the method that i have done is to define a custom template to call the dialogflow with a response from our express server .
🛰️ Serve current directory over HTTP(S)/FTP, even behind NAT
A plugin that allows you to open the server to others without a static IP address.
Expose local servers to the internet, heavily inspired by serveo and ngrok
Access your Raspberry Pi or Linux via internet behind a NAT, with no public IP and no port forwarding
Serveo but behind the reverse proxy server and experiment on how we can extend the serveo.
This repository contains a simple shell script that will expose your localhost server to the INTERNET. Additionally, it includes a script to start a shell server for serving the files locally. We used...