Accurately Locate Smartphones using Social Engineering
翻译 - 使用社交工程准确定位智能手机
Leaflet plugin that allows to add elevation profiles using d3js
An Arduino library to control the BME280 humidity and pressure sensor.
#安卓#Positional is a simple Android app for displaying information about your current location.
Python API for reading NASA's SRTM `.hgt` or `` altitude files.
Homebridge plugin to expose the position of the sun for automation
#安卓#Xamarin Native Android sample for tracking device GPS location, Accelerations, Speed and Distance. Also app shows how to detect device sensors for Linear Acceleration, Gravity, Rotation Vector and IME...
#区块链#Altitude. The Metrix wallet
This adapter calculates the current altitude and azimuth of the sun based on the geoposition. Additionally compass direction and the movement (sunrise or sunset) of the sun is stored. It is using the ...
IoT at home proof of concept with NodeMCU ESP8266. Accompanied with DHT22, BMP180, ML8511, MQ135 & KY037 sensors
Simscape drone altitude control with fractional order proportional derivate controller
Universal spacetime locator. Map every location in the observable universe to a string.
Planetary science data for atmospheric geophysical models