Java sun position code (topocentric coordinates, sunrise/sunset/twilight) based on the NREL SPA and ENEA/Grena algorithms.
Sunrise and sunset time calculation for given coordinates. ~1kb minified with zero dependencies.
#安卓#Positional is a simple Android app for displaying information about your current location.
Python Library for Planetary Position Calculations
Automatically control your sun blinds via home assistant based on the position of the sun.
#安卓#Android library to calculate sun phases like golden hour, blue hour, sunrise, sunset etc
🌆Compute Sun Rise/Set Times, Start/End of Twilight, and the Length of the Day at Any Date and Latitude
#时序数据库#The best calendar table you'll ever find! Generate a calendar table with many columns of date dimensions and metadata. Output to dataframe or CSV to ingest into a database or for use in an applicatio...
PHP and ReactJS sunrise/sunset calculator. Source code for
A simple drop-in sunrise and sunset library for any location on any day in any timezone, written in C# with no dependencies.
Java components for low level home automation coding
Scripting-friendly CLI program to calculate accurate topocentric sun position, sunrise, sunset and twilight times
Executable for shell script-able date-time output about sun rise and set, for systemd-run or "at" scheduling
a 7 day web interface programmable sunrise/ sunset clock for RGB LED strip.
Elixir package for calculating moon phase, sunrise and sunset for particular date and place on the Earth.
Sunrise/Sunset Calculators written in C and Rust