3D geographic visualization library
Proof of concept for abusing Telegram's "People Near Me" feature and tracking people's location
翻译 - Proof of concept for abusing Telegram's "People Near Me" feature and tracking people's location
GPSBabel: convert, manipulate, and transfer data from GPS programs or GPS receivers. Open Source and supported on MacOS, Windows, Linux, and more. Pointy clicky GUI or a command line version...
Allows items to be placed within the AR world with real-world GPS coordinates using ARCore.
#安卓#Get current location in background service using location service in android
GPS location provider and distance measurement with ESP32
Tracking Plugin for Xamarin. It retrieves information about user's location without GPS activation: IP address, country name, city name, GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude), country calling code,...
Kotlin application to Display Current Location's Latitude and Longitude with GPS Enabled Features.
#安卓#Xamarin Native Android sample for tracking device GPS location, Accelerations, Speed and Distance. Also app shows how to detect device sensors for Linear Acceleration, Gravity, Rotation Vector and IME...
GPS-based local relative navigation system for group of up to 6 members
A GPS framework for .Net, including device detection, diagnostics, emulators, and a NMEA protocol interpreter
#安卓#Android application that allows users to obtain their location using both the GPS device of your mobile and the location by network.
Optimize GPX track using Python by fixing altitude (SRTM), deleting bitten segments and reducing number of points using Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm.
A Java library for representing latitude, longitude and cardinal points of the compass, and calculating distance and bearing between points
Location Tracking Application on SAMR34 using a UBLOX GPS Module (LEA-6S)
#安卓#Xamarin Native Android app sample for tracking device sensors data. Position Tracker dectects GPS location, Accelerations, Accurency, Speed and Distance. App shows how to detect device sensors for Lin...
#安卓#EasyLocationPicker is a library that allows you to pick user location easily on a map, It has geocoder and places autocomplete integrated
#IOS#Xcode project of iOS app which displays metadata from a selected photo
GPS coordinates of all ISO-3166-1 countries