PySimpleGUI 是一个用于开发图形界面的 Python GUI框架,支持 kinter, Qt, WxPython, Remi。内有 300+Demo 示例,包括集成OpenCV、Matplotlib、PDF 、Chatterbot等等。
GPSBabel: convert, manipulate, and transfer data from GPS programs or GPS receivers. Open Source and supported on MacOS, Windows, Linux, and more. Pointy clicky GUI or a command line version...
Qt based simple SCADA framework, with dashboard, static and dynamic components
Qt-based library for SSH and SFTP.
Music player for big local collections
Package xrt (XRayTracer) is a python software library for ray tracing and wave propagation in x-ray regime. It is primarily meant for modeling synchrotron sources, beamlines and beamline elements.
基于Qt QWidget 开发的音乐播放器 更多Qt与其他应用的使用,更多Qt控件功能的使用以及界面的美化 —— 最终程序的打包 | C++ music player based on Qt
Silent is very lightweight, high quality - low latency voice chat for gaming. The server runs on Windows and Linux.
A simple GUI calculator🧮 built using C++
A cross-platform Qt tool for making pixel-art animations for games
AppImage Updater for Humans built with QML/C++ with Qt5 ❤️.
#编辑器#Rich text editor that supports basic file operations, syntax highlighting, multiple tabs, undo/redo, find & replace, brace matching, and more.
a collection of different Qt4 & Qt5 widgets, I developed over the years