Custom Firmware for NsPanel with the design of HomeAssistant's lovelace UI in mind, works with Tasmota.
Use an ESP32 as a Hub between a NUKI Lock and your smarthome.
Script engine for JavaScript and Blockly
Zigbee communcation with Hue, Xiaomi, Lighttify... via TI CC2xxx USB stick
ioBroker controller
翻译 - ioBroker 控制器
VW WeConnect visualization and control
user interface for configuration and administration
This Place is used to track the status of new Adapter-Requests.
Database of Zigbee devices compatible with third party gateways: ZHA, deCONZ, Zigbee2MQTT, Tasmota, Zigbee4Domoticz, ioBroker,
Official Docker Image for ioBroker
Integrate your Shelly devices into ioBroker via MQTT or CoIoT
Zero Export Script for Hoymiles Inverters using AhoyDTU / OpenDTU and Tasmota Smart Meter inferface / Shelly 3EM / SHRDZM / Emlog / ioBroker
jarvis - just another remarkable vis
Yet another HomeKit adapter for ioBroker
connects E3 (Vitocal, Vitodens, VX3/Vitocharge etc) controller through CAN or DoIP via local access
Control your Xiaomi vacuum cleaner