#安卓#🎈 Modernized and sophisticated tooltips, fully customizable with an arrow and animations for Android.
#安卓#🎺 A collection of Jetpack Compose libraries, which allows you to build tooltips, spinners, and color pickers.
Fine-tune Facebook's DETR (DEtection TRansformer) on Colaboratory.
Custom firmware for Vaisala RS41 and Graw DFM-17 radiosondes with support for amateur radio use. Ideal for tracking high-altitude balloons. Supported modes include APRS, Horus 4FSK mode, CATS, morse c...
An ImageView Animation example using CAEmitter Layer.
A lightweight APRS tracker for balloons
Horus Binary v2 HAB Tracker
#安卓#A slimy Android balloon seek bar library in Kotlin
Interactive Speech Balloon/Bubble view with rich customization UI for app user.
#安卓#Forget Android Toast! BalloonPopup displays a round or squared popup and attaches it to a View, like a callout. Uses the Builder pattern for maximum ease. The popup can automatically hide and can pers...
StratoSoar MK3, an autonomous glider meant for high-altitudes, accessible to everyone
This project will have the files for a Cube Sat Telemetry system Using Raspberry Pi Transmitter Board
The Balloon programming language and interpreter.
Tracking balloon, graphing the path, and analyzing the data of Vaisala RS radiosonde