The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer
翻译 - 任何外壳的提示主题引擎。
A positioning engine to make overlays, tooltips and dropdowns better
翻译 - 定位引擎可以使覆盖,工具提示和下拉菜单更好
#安卓#🎈 Modernized and sophisticated tooltips, fully customizable with an arrow and animations for Android.
Official Svelte components built for Flowbite and Tailwind CSS
Shared Controlz for WPF and ... more
#安卓#Simple to use library for android, enabling to add a tooltip near any view with ease
💬 A jQuery plugin that creates hover tooltips.
Usertour is an open-source user onboarding platform designed for developers. It allows you to create in-app product tours, checklists, and launchers in minutes—effortlessly and with full control.The o...
Site infrastructure for Custom Hakyll website with unique link archiving, popup UX, transclusions/collapses, dark+reader mode, bidirectional backlinks, and typography (sidenotes, dropcaps, ...
Various scripts related to Unity UI Toolkit (UIElements).
Angularjs tooltips module, add tooltips to your elements -
A tiny JavaScript library to easily toggle the state of any HTML element in any contexts, and create UI components in no time.
#安卓#Simple to use customizable Android Tooltips library based on PopupWindow
Create interactive guided product tours in minutes with the most non-technical friendly, lightweight and extendable library.
#前端开发#Lightweight, feature-rich, accessible front-end UI library
翻译 - 约10 +〜10 KB的功能丰富的前端框架