#幻灯片#JavaScript image gallery for mobile and desktop, modular, framework independent
翻译 - 适用于移动和桌面的JavaScript图像库,模块化,独立于框架
jQuery lightbox script for displaying images, videos and more. Touch enabled, responsive and fully customizable.
翻译 - jQuery lightbox脚本,用于显示图像,视频等。触摸启用,响应迅速且可完全自定义。
A customizable, modular, responsive, lightbox gallery plugin.
翻译 - 一个可定制的、模块化的、响应式的灯箱画廊插件。
Full featured JavaScript image & video gallery. No dependencies
翻译 - 功能齐全的JavaScript图片和视频库。没有依赖
#IOS#Body scroll locking that just works with everything 😏
翻译 - 身体滚动锁定,只适用于一切😏
#弹窗#⚡ Simple and easy to use lightbox script written in pure JavaScript
翻译 - :zap:使用纯JavaScript编写的简单易用的灯箱脚本
Pure Javascript lightbox with mobile support. It can handle images, videos with autoplay, inline content and iframes
Replicating and improving the lightbox module seen on Medium with fluid transitions.
Featherlight is a very lightweight jQuery lightbox plugin. It's simple yet flexible and easy to use. Featherlight has minimal css and uses no inline styles, everything is name-spaced, it's completely ...
A lightbox gallery plugin for Bootstrap
翻译 - 用于Bootstrap的灯箱画廊插件
#IOS#🌌 A convenient and easy to use image viewer for your iOS app
Web's most easy to integrate lightbox gallery library. Super-lightweight, outstanding performance, no dependencies.
#弹窗#jBox is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create customizable tooltips, modal windows, image galleries and more.
翻译 - jBox是一个jQuery插件,可轻松创建可自定义的工具提示,模态窗口,图像库等。
Lightweight, accessible and responsive lightbox.
Touch-friendly image lightbox for mobile and desktop
Justified image gallery component for React
The most easy to use responsive image viewer especially for mobile devices