#弹窗#jBox is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create customizable tooltips, modal windows, image galleries and more.
翻译 - jBox是一个jQuery插件,可轻松创建可自定义的工具提示,模态窗口,图像库等。
Mac OS X Application like a menu bar popup message
jQuery alert/modal/lightbox plugin
jQuery pop-up script displaying various types of content in corner of browser
Simple Qt popup messagebox based on Evileg PopUp notification, link: https://evileg.com/en/post/146/
#安卓#AckBar is a very lightweight and customizable android library to display brief message to user.
A sample repo to help you Handle your permission pop-ups in Behave with LambdaTest.
#IOS#Show your message in Popup Message with Duration
A Java class that can be used for 🍞 like popup messages in simple Java applications.
Just another js lib to display small popup messages, using vanilla javascript
Vue version of 'counter-app' Repository.
Toast notifications that show up on the bottom right corner of the screen when you click on a button.
Jquery Popup with Bootstrap 4 Modal and Jquery Extended
A counter web app with keyboard shortcuts and local storage support. Perfect for counting events, tracking activities and more!
Um repositório feito para ajudar você iniciante a implementar seu primeiro PopUp Message em seu projeto!!
Create a model box or Popup website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. We will add some animation on this popup using CSS transitions.