The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer
翻译 - 任何外壳的提示主题引擎。
Multi-player spaceship bridge simulator game. Captain your starship through adventures with your friends. See https://smcameron.github.io/space-nerds-in-space
革 | kaku - Elegant NixOS rice centered around the Niri tiling window manager. A minimalist, functional environment built with the philosophy of constant refinement and transformation. This dotfiles co...
My overengineered NixOS flake. Desktops, laptops, servers and everything else that can run an OS.
Platform for starship simulator controls
🍎 macOS dotfiles for Python developers.
📚 Example dot configs for tmux, tmuxp, vim, vcspull, i3 and awesome
M.y.t.h. theme collection for powerline prompts
Make autonomous landing rockets using Deep Reinforcement Learning (Unity ML-Agents)
🌲 Everforest theme collection for various tools
Pastel-themed i3wm and Arch Linux rice
MacOS setup for Developers and SREs
my unavoidable system configuration
Starship cross-shell prompt in xonsh shell.
My (semi-)literate dotfiles for Nix, Emacs, fish, etc, managed with home-manager and GNU Stow