The best and strongest dotfiles. Editor: Neovim; Shell: zsh(zinit, powerlevel10k); Terminal: WezTerm; Desktop: Hyprland, ulauncher, dunst; OS: ArchLinux (Ubuntu/Fedora/CentOS)
#编辑器#i3 + Plasma: using the i3 window manager on the top of KDE Plasma and other dotfiles, configurations, scripts, workarounds and practises from my Debian Sid machines.
Dark theme for i3+polybar, sway+waybar, rofi, GTK, spotify and Discord based on the Tokyo Night vscode theme
翻译 - 基于东京之夜 vscode 主题的 i3+polybar、sway+waybar、rofi、GTK、spotify 和 Discord 的深色主题
These are my i3wm config files, inspired by nord-theme
A dynamic workspace renamer for i3 and Sway that updates names to reflect their active applications.
#编辑器#Config files for Linux, i3-gaps, polybar, vim, tmux, zsh, alacritty, rofi & more
dotfiles 🔥that keeps my workflow sane
Gruvbox I3WM Full Config
#编辑器#Hack away :)
Pastel-themed i3wm and Arch Linux rice