Hyprland is an independent, highly customizable, dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks.
2D vector & raster editor that melds traditional layers & tools with a modern node-based, non-destructive, procedural workflow.
#操作系统# 一个完全从头开始、业余爱好开发的操作系统,包括bootloader、内核、驱动程序、C 库和用户空间,包括图形 UI、动态链接器、语法高亮文本编辑器、网络堆栈等。
dwm for Wayland - ARCHIVE: development has moved to Codeberg
C++ library for building Wayland compositors.
Providing composition effects to the Discord client.
翻译 - 为Discord客户提供合成效果。
A tiling X11 window manager with Vulkan compositor.
翻译 - 具有Vulkan合成器的平铺X11窗口管理器。