#操作系统#一个完全从头开始、业余爱好开发的操作系统,包括bootloader、内核、驱动程序、C 库和用户空间,包括图形 UI、动态链接器、语法高亮文本编辑器、网络堆栈等。
#编辑器#Extensible, lightweight terminal text editor with syntax highlighting and plugin support.
Experimental x86_64 kernel project. Planned eventual successor to the kernel in ToaruOS. WIP
#编辑器#NOTICE: The ToaruOS-NIH Project has been MERGED UPSTREAM. This repository is now archived.
MP3 player for ToaruOS using minimp3 (also builds libminimp3.so)
[DEPRECATED] This repository has been merged into toaru-nih
Hacked up port of `mudraw` from the MuPDF package, to render PDF pages under とあるOS