AeroSpace is an i3-like tiling window manager for macOS
A tiling window manager for Windows 🍉
A highly customizable macOS status bar replacement
GlazeWM is a tiling window manager for Windows inspired by i3wm.
A modern desktop interface for Linux. Improve your user experience and get rid of the anarchy of traditional desktop workflows. Designed to simplify navigation and reduce the need to manipulate window...
翻译 - 遵循“材料设计”准则的Gnome的新外壳。提出高效且简单的自定义鼠标/键盘工作流程,以提高日常工作效率和舒适度
The Fully Customizable Desktop Environment for Windows 10/11.
A React tiling window manager
Tiled scrollable window management for GNOME Shell
翻译 - Gnome Shell的平铺可滚动窗口管理
A tiling window manager for Adventurers
KDE Plasma add-on, that tiles your windows automatically and lets you manage them via keyboard, similarly to i3, Sway or dwm.
A lightweight window border system for macOS
a tiling window manager for Windows
翻译 - Windows 平铺窗口管理器
A minimal status bar for macOS. Ideal for use with tiling window managers like yabai
Minimal, flexible & user-friendly X tiling window manager
Extend Gnome Shell with advanced tiling window management. Supports multiple monitors, Windows 11 Snap Assistant, Fancy Zones, customised tiling layouts and more.
Adds window-tiling hotkeys to any X11 desktop. (An analogue to WinSplit Revolution for people who don't want to use Compiz Grid)