⚡️ Super-powered JavaScript project management
a tiling window manager for Windows
翻译 - Windows 平铺窗口管理器
Collection of monorepo tips & tricks
Template for setting up a TypeScript monorepo
⚛️ 🐈 Zero Config Create-React-App Monorepos with Yarn Workspaces, Lerna and React Storybook.
A simple wrapper around :mksession.
Subset of Lerna in a smaller & more modular project. Helps manage and publish multiple packages in a monorepo/workspace structure
GNOME shell extension to arrange workspaces in a two-dimensional grid with workspace thumbnails
Multi protocol support for handling remote files like local ones in Visual Studio Code.
A dynamic workspace renamer for i3 and Sway that updates names to reflect their active applications.
Exposè for i3 WM. Fork of https://gitlab.com/d.reis/i3expo to fix crashes and improve features/usability
翻译 - 适用于i3 WM的Exposè。https://gitlab.com/d.reis/i3expo的分支以修复崩溃并改善功能/可用性
🎓 — Collegetivity adalah website yang berperan sebagai workspace dan penunjang produktifitas mahasiswa yang berisi banyak sekali fitur dilengkapi dengan resources yang mahasiswa butuhkan.
A smart wezterm workspace switcher plugin inspired by joshmedeski/t-smart-tmux-session-manager
Workspace and session management TUI
Yarn Workspaces Monorepo support for Create-React-App / React-Scripts.
A command line interface that aims to solve a few issues while working with flow typed codebases in a mono-repo.
Config for monorepo with pnpm + eslint + prettier + husky + lintstaged + commitlint + changesets
JavaScript / TypeScript Monorepo Setup with PNPM Workspaces, Vite and TailwindCSS
An ESLint plugin for enforcing consistent imports across monorepo packages.