A highly customizable Changelog Generator that follows Conventional Commit specifications ⛰️
翻译 - 一个高度可定制的变更日志生成器,遵循常规提交规范⛰️
The conventional commits specification
翻译 - 常规提交规范
The Conventional Commits toolbox
Take control of what is going to be your next release.
Subset of Lerna in a smaller & more modular project. Helps manage and publish multiple packages in a monorepo/workspace structure
conventional-changelog preset
💡 semantic-release plugin to analyze commits with conventional-changelog
:robot: 🚀 ✨ Emojify your conventional commits with Devmoji
💬Conventional Commits for VSCode.
📋 semantic-release plugin to generate changelog content with conventional-changelog
📘 semantic-release plugin to create or update a changelog file
🔀 semantic-release plugin to commit release assets to the project's git repository
Github Action that generates a changelog with the Conventional Changelog CLI
A PHP tool built to generate a changelog from a project's commit messages and metadata following the conventionalcommits.org and automate versioning with semver.org.
Generate changelog, and/or next version, with, or without, conventional commits from a GIT repository
💬Git add, commit, push with Conventional Commits and Gitmoji.
GitHub Action to generate changelog from conventional commits
PHP Commitizen - A CLI tool used to create commits according to Conventional Commits specification
a git extension to help write conventional commits
🗼A starter project template with (Ngnix, ReactJS, Redux, Redux Thunk, React Router, NestJS, TypeORM, PostgreSQL, Docker, PM2) + (Code Style, Conventional Changelog with Commitlint, Husky, Git CZ)