Quickly create and configure a new library or Node.js project
翻译 - 快速创建和配置新的库或Node.js项目
💬Conventional Commits for VSCode.
💬Git add, commit, push with Conventional Commits and Gitmoji.
Automatic Expo versioning with Standard Version
My resume by using NuxtJS (VueJS), Element and some useful tools
Nestjs boilerplate for beginners.
This is an opiniated boilerplate with rocking tools for front-end development
Conventional-changelog plugin for EMACS.
Run essential pre-release checks before releasing an npm package
Project-based filter system StrongLoop Node.js API Platform developed by IBM Company.
Opinionated tooling configurations for TypeScript development
A GitHub action to extract release notes for a specific version from the changelog generated by standard-version.
zero-conf conventional commit helper
✈️ Boring Express Microservice Generator - @boringcodes
The conventional-changelog/standard-version updater for Gradle build files.
✈️ Boring TypeScript Package Generator - @boringcodes
✈️ Boring Express Microservice Component Generator - @boringcodes
A NestJS and TS production-grade template for enterprise - batteries included w/ Prisma, Compodoc, Swagger, Jest and more.
Personal starter template for typescript with Vite and Vitest