String validation
翻译 - 字符串验证
✅ Painless Vue forms
翻译 - ✔Vue.js的模板驱动验证框架
Json Schema Type Builder with Static Type Resolution for TypeScript
❄️ A React-Native Android iOS Starter App/ BoilerPlate / Example with Redux, RN Router, & Jest with the Snowflake Hapi Server running locally or on RedHat OpenShift for the backend, or a Par...
翻译 - :snowflake:一个React-Native Android iOS入门应用程序/ BoilerPlate /具有Redux,RN路由器和Jest的示例,其中Snowflake Hapi服务器在本地运行或在RedHat OpenShift上运行于后端,或者在Parse服务器在Heroku上本地或远程运行
Validate XML, Parse XML and Build XML rapidly without C/C++ based libraries and no callback.
⚡ The fastest JS validator library for NodeJS
⚔ Go package for data validation and filtering. support Map, Struct, Form data. Go通用的数据验证与过滤库,使用简单,内置大部分常用验证、过滤器,支持自定义验证器、自定义消息、字段翻译。
Simple, smart and pleasant validation solution.
The Laravel-Validate package enhanced Laravel validation capabilities with custom rules and methods for simplified and efficient validation logic
⁉️ Lightweight JavaScript form validation, that had minimal configuration and felt natural to use. No dependencies, support UMD.
Composable schemas for JavaScript and Node.js
A simple jQuery plugin to validate forms.
Validates password according to flexible and intuitive specification
Lightweight and feature-rich PHP validation and filtering library. Support scene grouping, pre-filtering, array checking, custom validators, custom messages. 轻量且功能丰富的PHP验证、过滤库。支持场景分组,前置过滤,数组检查,自定义验证器,...
China ID number validator. - 中国身份证号验证器。
⛑️ JSON serialization should never fail
OvO is a Dart-first schema declaration and validation library.