❄️ A React-Native Android iOS Starter App/ BoilerPlate / Example with Redux, RN Router, & Jest with the Snowflake Hapi Server running locally or on RedHat OpenShift for the backend, or a Par...
翻译 - :snowflake:一个React-Native Android iOS入门应用程序/ BoilerPlate /具有Redux,RN路由器和Jest的示例,其中Snowflake Hapi服务器在本地运行或在RedHat OpenShift上运行于后端,或者在Parse服务器在Heroku上本地或远程运行
🚀 A RESTful API generator for Node.js
Production ready hapi.js Starterkit.
Minimal Hapi + React + Webpack + HMR (hot module reloading) Sandbox
FHIR Medication server that makes it easy to make medicines terminology content available as a local service.
A Robust Authentication and Authorization Server for FHIR Servers 🔥
hapi plugin that gracefully stops the hapi server (for graceful process reloads, e.g. with PM2)
This is a church office management REST api built with Hapi js, Prisma ORM and Postgresql. With Unit tests and End-toEnd tests.
Typescript decorators for Hapi Edit
Mock server for OpenAPI specifications 📑
A kickass 💪 web server 🙀 with all the bells 🔔 and whistles ✨
HL7 2.x JSON/XML/ER7 (Pipe-delimited) Message Parser & Transformer
My technical investigations.
A website project for the discord bot, Felix built with hapijs
A Hapi.js based RESTful API server for Foodle App. Features API validation via JOI, OAuth (Twitter & Google) via Hapi-Bell, Hapi-Cookie session Authentication, Docker-based deployment.
Submission Kelas Dicoding Back-End Developer