Pokemon terminal themes.
翻译 - 宠物小精灵终端主题。
#计算机科学#A comprehensive mapping database of English to Chinese technical vocabulary in the artificial intelligence domain
翻译 - 人工智能领域英汉技术词汇综合映射数据库
🦑 Informal definitions of terms used in concurrency modeling
翻译 - con并发建模中使用的术语的非正式定义
🦉 Snow Owl Terminology Server - a production-ready, scalable, FHIR Terminology Service compliant server that supports SNOMED CT International and Extensions, LOINC, RxNorm, UMLS, ICD-10, custom co...
翻译 - :owl:Snow Owl-生产就绪,可扩展的术语服务器(SNOMED CT,ICD-10,LOINC,dm + d,ATC等)
Main repo including core data model, data marts, reference data, terminology, and the clinical concept library
речник с грижливо подбирани преводи на често срещани понятия от света на ИТ. приемат се предложения. прочетете по-долу как можете дас е включите.
A library and microservice implementing the health and care terminology SNOMED CT with support for cross-maps, inference, fast full-text search, autocompletion, compositional grammar and the expressio...
CJK computer science terms comparison / 中日韓電腦科學術語對照 / 日中韓のコンピュータ科学の用語対照 / 한·중·일 전산학 용어 대조
Tools that make it easier to use FHIR® and clinical terminology within data analytics, built on Apache Spark.
#自然语言处理#NEWS: JATE2.0 Beta.11 Released, see details below.
A configuration file for in-solidarity-bot that flags some of the terms in the NIST Technical Series Publications Author Instructions and the IETF's list of problematic terminology.
English to Chinese Translation Table for IT Terminologies , ITEC (IT術語及計算機科學術語中英文對照表)
#前端开发#Frontend dünyasında yolunu kaybetmiş veya daha yeni başlayan geliştiricilerin işlerini kolaylaştırmayı hedeflemektedir.
Textlint rule to check correct terms spelling
A repository of technical terms and definitions. As flashcards.
List of medical abbreviations and their meanings
Terminal hyperlinks support detection and generation.