Neologism dictionary based on the language resources on the Web for mecab-ipadic
#自然语言处理#Beautiful visualizations of how language differs among document types.
#安卓#A full-featured immersion language learning suite for mobile.
#大语言模型#日本語LLMまとめ - Overview of Japanese LLMs
Japanese pop-up dictionary extension for Chrome and Firefox.
A collection of exercises for practicing what is taught in Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese.
翻译 - 练习练习《元气:初级日语综合课程》的一系列练习。
Japanese morphological analysis engine written in pure Python
Self-contained Japanese Morphological Analyzer written in pure Go
#自然语言处理#A curated list of resources dedicated to Python libraries, LLMs, dictionaries, and corpora of NLP for Japanese
An otaku index for everything! ⭐ Star the project if you like it!
Laravel Starter Kit (Livewire+Breeze+Laravel UI+Jetstream)を一瞬で日本語化し、言語切替機能も提供するパッケージです / Laravelの各種バリデーションメッセージも日本語化するのでStarter Kit無しでも便利✨
📚 Japanese and Chinese dictionaries for Yomitan.
rikaikun is a Chrome extension that helps you to read Japanese web pages by showing the reading and English definition of Japanese words when you hover over them.
Japanese language data on kanji, radicals, media files, fonts and related resources from Kanji alive
Linguistic tools for texts in Japanese language
Pure-Python Japanese character interconverter for Hiragana, Katakana, Hankaku, and Zenkaku