An opinionated glossary of computer science terms for front-end developers. Written by Dan Abramov.
翻译 - 专为前端开发人员准备的计算机科学术语词汇表。由Dan Abramov撰写。
Codecademy Docs is a collection of information for all things code. 📕
An otaku index for everything! ⭐ Star the project if you like it!
Çalışmalarınızda kullanabileceğiniz Türkçe Yapay Zeka Terimleri.
The Linux Foundation's Open Glossary of Edge Computing project curates and defines terms related to the field of edge computing, collecting common and accepted definitions into an openly licensed repo...
#算法刷题#Big Data Modeling, MapReduce, Spark, PySpark @ Santa Clara University
Web application for management formal representations of knowledge, like controlled vocabularies, taxonomies, thesauri and glossaries
O objetivo do repositório é descrever o significado de vários termos que compõem o ecossistema e a linguagem Java.
A single HTML page with a built-in editor for creating a glossary that can be hosted anywhere.
#算法刷题#My personal tutorials and notes.
List of medical abbreviations and their meanings
Your source for clear explanations of programming terms. Explore a curated collection of coding jargon used in software development. Contribute to this open-source hub and empower the coding community...
MkDocs plugin to generate semantic reference Markdown pages from a knowledge graph
#计算机科学#This project aims to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date collection of Persian translations for technical terms and concepts in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Our goal i...