Use WordPress backend with Laravel or any PHP application
翻译 - 将WordPress后端与Laravel或任何PHP应用程序一起使用
A WordPress plugin that implements an easy way to create fake data inside WordPress.
Web application for management formal representations of knowledge, like controlled vocabularies, taxonomies, thesauri and glossaries
Simple, nestable Terms & Taxonomies (aka Categories) for Laravel.
WP Custom Fields is an options, metabox and customizer framework for WordPress aimed at speeding-up plug-in and theme development.
TaxoPress is a plugin that can create and manage Tags, Categories and all your WordPress taxonomy terms.
Classes that implement the XBRL 2.1, XDT, Formulas, Generics, XFI and other XBRL specifications
Python package to obtain, parse and explore biological taxonomies (GTDB, NCBI, Silva, Greengenes, OTT)
A pipeline to investigate horizontal gene transfer from NGS data
#自然语言处理#Development of the Gellish Communicator reference application and tools for universal data exchange and data integration supporting Formal English and other Gellish formalized natural languages.
An R package providing WorldCat API communication, functions for validating and normalizing bibliographic codes, translation from call numbers to subject, and other related utilities helpful for asses...
This WordPress plugin allows you to generate & show color palettes for all your images in your Media Library.
Display and/or sort/filter any page or post types by multiple taxonomies or terms (like post by categories and/or tags) with AJAX. Exopite multifilter, multi-sortable, multi selectable, multi filterab...
Simple, Lightweight & Flexible WordPress Settings Framework
Filter posts or custom post types in the admin area by custom taxonomies.
ImportWP - Wordpress CSV/XML Importer Plugin
Clone Of CodeStar but with more powerfull and reliable