The collection of ALL relevant materials about CS224N-Stanford/Winter 2019 course. THANKS TO THE PROFESSOR AND TAs! 斯坦福大学CS224N 【2019】课程的【所有】相关的资料。感谢Chris Manning教授和Abigail See,感谢所有助教!
[CVPR19] FSA-Net: Learning Fine-Grained Structure Aggregation for Head Pose Estimation from a Single Image
Tester for the libft project of 42 school
Solution to CS231n Assignments 2019
A December of Algorithms is a small collection of algorithms to implement this December. Finish it all to get a certificate. 🎄
Tester for the get_next_line project of 42 school
MFA for ADFS (2012r2 -> 2025)
Tester for the ft_printf project of 42 school
#计算机科学#Machine learning to better predict and understand drought. Moving
Ubuntu Kernel for MacBook Pro (incl. T2 patches) - All packages will be publish to the custom repo