Widgets manager for MacBook Touch Bar
翻译 - 在触摸栏中显示macOS Dock
一款创新跨平台摸鱼神器,支持小说、股票、网页、视频、直播、PDF、游戏等摸鱼模式,为上班族打造的上班必备神器,使用此软件可以让上班倍感轻松,远离 ICU。
🌟 [My TouchBar My rules]. The Touch Bar Customisation App for your MacBook Pro
A simple utility application to trigger haptic feedback when tapping Touch Bar.
Display feedback of terminal in the 🍏 Touchbar
An open-source Spotify controller with TouchBar support
💎 The most detailed and accurate macOS UI Kit for Sketch. This Sketch Library includes common Mac interface elements, cursors, and a Touch Bar UI Kit.
KITT 2000 chaser animation for your MacBook Pro TouchBar
#Awesome#👉 🌟 delightful macOS resources for your touchbar
Replacement for MacOS' volume, brightness and keyboard backlight HUDs.
Apple MacBook Pro TouchBar (NSTouchBar) Cheatsheet and Swift examples
Play Breakout game on your MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, using SpriteKit. 用 Touch Bar 在 Mac 上玩打砖块游戏
A Dimness and Night Shift menu bar app for macOS 🌙
App is replaced by the new version which called Mutify
MacBook Pro touchbar custom. Perfectly Optimized BTT(Better Touch Tool) Preset.