#区块链#The open source repository for Cake Wallet, a noncustodial multi-currency wallet, and Monero.com, a noncustodial Monero-only wallet. Need help? Check out https://docs.cakewallet.com
#区块链#Dead-simple BIP32 (HD) wallet creation for BTC, BTG, BCH, LTC, DASH, USDT, QTUM and DOGE
A fast & nimble SPV Server for BCH, BTC, and LTC
#区块链#Scheduled buying of BTC, ETH, and LTC from Coinbase Pro, optimally!
#区块链#The core components of the blockchain wallet backend, support a variety of blockchain address generation and offline signatures
最稳定的BTC-全币种代理中转,开发者费用固定千分之2(1台也是0.02%,没有矿机数量门坎)几乎无损的转发,近乎变态的精准比例;轻松支持百万级并发!开发费单一抽取、精准比例、杜绝市面上“定制版多个钱包”导致的算力波动!minerproxy minerproxy minerproxy minerproxy minerproxy minerproxy minerproxy minerproxy mi...
#区块链#Automated cryptocurrency trading on Coinbase Pro (formerly gdax-trader)
#区块链#Make Payments Crypto Native. MugglePay makes merchants and AI agents accept crypto and sell more with it.
💎A simple, free and open-source cryptocurrency ticker prices in Windows tray
🔥KGminerproxy 原创正版,功能强大,全币种高性能(固定作者开发费用抽水千分之1.8,纯转发不抽水),专业的数字货币中转加密管理工具。专业的矿场运维,提升矿场利润的必备助手。
The business backend is a more powerful business system constructed based on the functional components of the digital currency, which can obtain different public chain blockchain addresses at any time...
LTC approximation of the Anisotropic GGX for real-time area light shading with anisotropic reflection.