Widgets manager for MacBook Touch Bar
翻译 - 在触摸栏中显示macOS Dock
The Fully Customizable Desktop Environment for Windows 10/11.
🌟 [My TouchBar My rules]. The Touch Bar Customisation App for your MacBook Pro
A dock for the Gnome Shell. This extension moves the dash out of the overview transforming it in a dock for an easier launching of applications and a faster switching between windows and desktops.
翻译 - 侏儒壳的码头。此扩展程序将破折号移出了概述,并在扩展坞中对其进行了转换,以便于启动应用程序以及在Windows和桌面之间进行更快的切换。
Zero dependency Docking Layout Manager. Supports Vanilla TypeScript, React and Vue.
#编辑器#Our own development branch of the well known WPF document docking library
Show progress in your app's Dock icon
A docking layout system.
Docking Layout Manager for React
Dock Layout for React Component
Put the MacOS dock of apps in the menu bar (with customizability)
✨ A shiny and hackable application dock
React component that is magnifiable like the Mac OS X dock.
A Cool bar for Dear ImGui (MacOs Dock Magnification Effect Like)
#编辑器#A TypeScript HTML Docking Framework (fork of dock-spawn)