ProgressHUD is a lightweight and easy-to-use HUD for iOS. Over 5000+ animations.
#IOS#A custom reusable circular / progress slider control for iOS application.
#安卓#💈 React Native loading spinner overlay
#IOS#⭕️ Ring progress view similar to Activity app on Apple Watch
Show progress in your app's Dock icon
Angular module that uses SVG to create a circular progressbar
翻译 - 使用SVG创建圆形进度条的Angular模块
Circular progress indicator for your macOS app
#安卓#A circular Image View with a lot of perks. Including progress animation and highlight state with borders and gradient color.
#IOS#Customizable progress indicator library in Swift
iOS progress bar, replacement for the default activity indicator.
A liquid progress indicator for Flutter
#IOS#A clean and lightweight progress HUD based on SVProgressHUD, converted to Swift with the help of Swiftify.
A way to quickly add a progress bar to react app 🌈
⭕ CSS percentage circle built with jQuery
#IOS#A highly customisable and reusable circular slider for iOS applications.
#IOS#Animated and fully customizable progress view with 2 styles: ring and bar.
A concise water wave animation process view.纯代码手写的一个现实充电进度的动画控件
An elegant, lightweight and responsive progress HUD for iOS app with very simple usage. Available 32 indicators by NVActivityIndicatorView.