An easy to use testing framework for the 42 projects
Tester for the libft project of 42 school
forked repository of libftest (by jtoty) for libft at 42
翻译 - 分叉的libftest存储库(按jtoty)用于2019 libft的42
Development repo for 42cursus' Libft project
Adaptation of the Francinette, for testing projects 42. Works on sessions 42 !
This 42project aims to code a C library regrouping usual functions that we’ll be allowed to use in all our other 42 projects.
42 library of basic C functions - queues, lists, memory operations and more 😄
Instructions on how to use the 42 Cursus Tester.
My own library of useful functions in C.
A C static library with recoded standard functions - @42sp Project
Create my own library and redo a set of functions from the C standard library.
My diarrhea inducing get_next_line. Questionnably complies with 42born2code's norm.