#面试#该仓库整理了具有良好面试体验的公司列表,这些公司面试内容贴近实际工作,而非八股文,依靠 HackerRank/Leetcode 刷题
Guide for getting a gig as a tech student.
#面试#💻 신입 개발자로서 지식을 쌓기 위해 공부하는 공간 👨💻
Crowdsourced list of Canadian tech companies that are hiring Interns and New Grads for 2025
#面试#🍰 기술 냉장고입니다. 🛒 기술 면접 , 전공 시험 , 지식 함양 등 분명 도움될 거예요! 🤟
Australian companies that provide work visa (and/or relocation) to their employees (mainly tech).
:portugal: List of technology companies in Portugal.
Master the fundamentals and advanced features of the Go programming language
#Awesome#A reading list for the modern critical programmer
💰 Unofficial JueJin wechat mini program application - 掘金非官方微信小程序
A collection of resources for women in tech, consisting of - courses, learning guides, amazing sites and repos, blogs, programs and events. scholarships, etc.
☀️ Develop a weather wechat mini program application in two days - 两天撸一个天气应用微信小程序
A Chrome 🌐 & Firefox 🦊 extension to discover the latest developer news and tools in one tab!