#面试#💻 신입 개발자로서 지식을 쌓기 위해 공부하는 공간 👨💻
Empresas que constantemente oferecem vagas para junior e estagiários sem exigir experiência prévia
翻译 - 不断为初级和实习生提供职位的公司
#新手入门#Дорожная карта по изучению Python
Portafolio web "perfecto" para programadores. Plantilla minimalista configurable a nivel gráfico y de contenido.
👩💻 This repository serves as a directory that helps you easily navigate through my other repositories and view the various projects I have completed.
Repositório criado para reunir materiais de estudo, artigos, canais no youtube, e tudo o mais para melhorar e evoluir como dev
#前端开发#DevCollective.io is an open source community of developers, by developers, for developers. If you like what we're doing, don't pay us. Just pay it forward. How? Check out the Discussion and Issues tab...
#前端开发#A curated list of iOS Junior Developer interview questions designed to help candidates prepare for interviews. Covers key topics like Swift, UIKit, SwiftUI, networking, and more. Ideal for beginners a...
Desafio para vaga de Desenvolvedor Junior.
The junior.guru website, Discord bot, and synchronization scripts
Repositório para compartilhar conhecimento sobre tecnologia com DEVS de todos os níveis
#前端开发#Gulp 4.0 configuration for static sites development
🤑 Bankist: A Virtual banking experience. Bankist is a fictional online bank. It is a project introduced by Jonas Schmedtmann in order to practice DOM manipulation and user interaction. Bankist has th...
macOS app for taking a series of screenshots from a video file
#前端开发#Personal Blog & Portfolio
A safe, welcoming space for developers to learn good practice for collaboration and try their hand at making contributions to OSS. Maintained by the Virtual Coffee Slack group.
#IOS#iOS app for learning a foreign language with word cards
Cool websites where you can find a work.
🗺 The official guide book for the ThoughtWorks Jumpstart program