A delicious blend of gulp tasks combined into a configurable asset pipeline and static site builder
翻译 - 大量的gulp任务组合到可配置的资产管道和静态站点构建器中
A boilerplate for building web projects with Gulp.js.
#UI框架#Gulp with TailwindCSS Starter Kit
Gulp Webpack Starter - fast static website builder. The starter uses gulp toolkit and webpack bundler. Download to get an awesome development experience!
Sass starter files using Gulp v4.0.0 🔥
#前端开发#Gulp 4.0 configuration for static sites development
Themeplate is a HTML starter template built with Gulp and TailwindCSS.
gulp 4 ( file / script / boilerplate ) for building and developing website applications using static html , css , javascript , images and fonts in an easier and much more dynamic way.
gulp starter with pug/scss/webpack/svg sprites and dashboard for html pages
Gulp V5 Starter for a quick development start. Automated build simplifies development, letting focus on quality code.
🚀 An opinionated starter project for Eleventy using Gulp as an asset pipeline
Starter template for AngularJS projects with Gulp & BrowserSync.
A simple setup for gulp 4.0.0, babel 7.3.4, browserify 16.2.3
Starter Kit, which contains all the standard frontend developer tasks - build styles and layout, image optimization, JS minification, creating icon-font from SVG and much more.
📨 Clean MJML boilerplate utilizing Gulp and BrowserSync.
The build tool for Front-end using Gulp 4