Stylus can mean the following things:
Generally speaking, a stylus is a writing utensil, which also has a digital pendant and a computing device named after it due to their similar appearance.
Create graphs from your CommonJS, AMD or ES6 module dependencies
Color scheme for UI design.
翻译 - UI设计的配色方案。
#前端开发# ✩ Automates responsive resizing ✩
翻译 - ✩自动调整大小✩
Complete, dark and light, very customizable theme for WhatsApp.
翻译 - 适用于WhatsApp的完整,深色和浅色,非常可定制的主题。
A beatiful dark blue userstyle for GItHub. Made with ❤️
翻译 - GItHub的美丽的深蓝色用户样式。用:心:
Restore old Youtube layout in 2021-2022 with many customizable options.
Theme based in windows 11 new UI | Support server:
A good foundation for your next frontend project.
翻译 - 为您的下一个前端项目奠定良好的基础。
Custom border shapes for elements.
翻译 - 元素的自定义边框形状。