Featuring absolutely nothing beyond a base HTML5 template and the essential setup to watch and compile your Sass alongside 11ty.
Gerillass is a Sass mixin library containing a set of Sass mixins and functions to help front-end developers generate scalable CSS outputs.
Light Sass lib for managing your font-size, margin, padding, and position values across breakpoints.
翻译 - Light Sass lib用于管理跨断点的字体大小,边距,填充和位置值。
Minimal Sass/HTML Template Site - dart sass powered, includes stylelint and prettier, and autoprefix upon build. develop script includes hot-reload via browsersync.
Multiple page application setup with Webpack using SASS, PostCSS, ES6+, etc
#前端开发#Modasel is a family of responsive front-end frameworks that make it easy to design beautiful responsive websites, apps that look amazing on any device. Madosel is semantic, readable, flexible, and com...
Sass starter files using Gulp v4.0.0 🔥
👓 A Gatsby starter with Sass and no assumptions!
#前端开发#Gulp boilerplate
#UI框架#A SASS powered springboard for styling the web.
This is the folder structure for newbie to learn about sass syntax.
A powerful boilerplate to work with Gulp 3.9 with SASS, PUG and ES6+ with reusable & async tasks.
#前端开发#🚀 Kickass front-end boilerplate with TypeScript, Sass, webpack and much more.
Boilerplate for sass using 7-1 architecture pattern
A Webpack based playground, that comes with all the packages and configurations that you’ll need to work with Sass and Gerillass.
🌴 A minimalist sass boilerplate used with your favorite UI library
Starter sass template for multilingual interfaces, helps you control rtl/ltr direction of the page and it's child elements.
Starter Wordpress / SMACSS / Gulp / ES6 / Bootstrap (or Foundation)
#UI框架#A starter sass repo for front-end developer
Multiple page application setup with Webpack using SASS, PostCSS, TypeScript, etc