🌈 Node.js bindings to libsass
翻译 - :rainbow:Node.js绑定到libsass
Bootstrap 4 grid system and layout utilities.
Gerillass is a Sass mixin library containing a set of Sass mixins and functions to help front-end developers generate scalable CSS outputs.
Sass starter files using Gulp v4.0.0 🔥
🚀 A opinionated gulp boilerplate for individuals and teams
Generates include paths for node-sass for packages from popular package managers like npm, bower, ruby gem, ruby bundler.
Starter Wordpress Theme using Docker; Sass ready!
Literally everthing starting from HTML forms or theory I learnt as a part of FULL STACK WEB DEVELOPMENT TRAINING. Databases are also connected and SQL file is also shared. It is recommended to use XAM...
An elegant and expandable CV design made with SASS, HTML and love.
To join our Telegram Group to know more https://t.me/joinchat/Kx-4-lhQnZ_BqwO9Fxg3UQ Awesome Color Shades -->>
Wordpress theme built with gulp and sass
project of sass making simple web application 1- https://codepen.io/Alizay-Yousfzai/full/JjQvYWX --------------------------------------------- 2- https://codepen.io/Alizay-Yo...
web application of Quotes Snapshots https://alizayayesha.github.io/Sass-Qoute-Website/
🌴 A minimalist sass boilerplate used with your favorite UI library
Gulp 4 boilerplate for CSS/HTML/JavaScript development
Pakistan Tourism Website https://alizayayesha.github.io/Pakistan-Tourism-Website/
#UI框架#A starter sass repo for front-end developer
📦 Набор утилит, миксинов, расширений на языке препроцессора @sass для помощи в ускорении и упрощении написания CSS-стилей.