Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use
翻译 - 解析CSS并通过“我可以使用”将供应商前缀添加到规则
CSS Prefixer for JavaScript code. The simple library to get vendor-prefixed name (e.g. `webkitFlex`) and vendor-prefixed value (e.g. `-moz-inline-grid`) of CSS property. This is not pre-compiler for s...
Tailwind AutoPrefix Applier to multiple files. this will be useful for people who have code made in tailwind and want to change the prefix to multiple files.
📦 Набор утилит, миксинов, расширений на языке препроцессора @sass для помощи в ускорении и упрощении написания CSS-стилей.
Prefixes the file names of all of the MTS files in a folder with their timestamp.
Tool to build prefixed Rector to resolve install conflicts
Composer Namespaces Prefixer for WordPress Plugins, Resolve dependencies versions conflicts of WordPress plugins built using Composer, Without hardcoding.
Marjia-LMS is a learning platform made by Tarikul with guided team members.