🌈 Node.js bindings to libsass
翻译 - :rainbow:Node.js绑定到libsass
#UI框架#👌 A simple CSS Framework, including dark mode.
A starter boilerplate powered by 11ty, Sanity, Gulp, Tailwind CSS, rollup.js, Alpine.js and Highway.
#UI框架#Utilitarian CSS Framework
🎨 Hyper: A component-first CSS design system.
A starter boilerplate WordPress theme powered by Gulp, Tailwind CSS, rollup.js, Alpine.js and Highway.
A gradle plugin to compile scss/sass with jsass (libsass wrapper for java)
This is the last HTML and CSS project from Microverse program, It's a mock-up of a ZATTIX web designed by Mohammed Awad on Behance, it's built on HTML and CSS3 languages using Sass.
This script allows you to use SASS & SCSS files in your PHP application without a noticeable performance penalty.
#UI框架#A lightweight, flexible, and responsive CSS framework. Uses the CUBE CSS methodology.
A modern and opinionated CSS normalization file for better cross-browser design and default styling in 2024 and beyond!
with the help of sass developed a simple restaurant website project https://alizayayesha.github.io/Restaurant-Website/
Pakistan Tourism Website https://alizayayesha.github.io/Pakistan-Tourism-Website/
📦 Набор утилит, миксинов, расширений на языке препроцессора @sass для помощи в ускорении и упрощении написания CSS-стилей.
A web application to cost, track, and book trips for individual travelers.