Low-level CSS Toolkit – the original Functional/Utility/Atomic CSS library
翻译 - 低级CSS工具包–原始的功能/实用程序/原子CSS库
All CSS methodologies compared examples at one place.
💫 Functional Sass framework for rapid and painless development
🎨 Hyper: A component-first CSS design system.
#前端开发#Garlic, Onion, Salt & Pepper is a light weight css library to make front-end faster using OOCSS.
#前端开发#OMCSS (Organisable and Maintainable CSS) is an approach towards creating a scalable and modular architecture for your application's stylesheet.
CSS framework based on Stylus, utilizing BEM and OOCSS principles.
基於 Vue.js + Express.js + Firebase + JWT 建構之電商網站,支援 PWA 及 RWD,UI 皆以 SCSS 並遵循 OOCSS 手刻而成
OrionCSS is a SASS framework which is simple, easy to use and scalable. It provides you with a solid ITCSS foundation on which to build your project.
A utility-class based, mid-sized, aspect-first and highly customizable CSS library for quick custom UI styles based on Modernizr and Browsengine
#UI框架#Simple SCSS+JS framework based on jQuery and Gulp
Basic folder/structure generator for the SMACSS methodology + SASS.