#面试#一位酷爱做饭的程序员,立志用动画将算法说的通俗易懂。我的面试网站 www.chengxuchu.com
A distribute transaction solution(分布式事务) unified the usage of TCC , SAGA ,FMT (seata/fescar AutoCompensation), reliable message, compensate and so on;
The most comprehensive utils of ViewBinding. (最全面的 ViewBinding 工具,支持 Kotlin 和 Java 用法,支持 BRVAH,支持封装到基类,支持 DataBinding,支持选择是否使用反射)
Accelerate your onchain creativity with the Build Onchain Apps Template. ⛵️
Boilerform is a little HTML and CSS boilerplate to take the pain away from working with forms.
翻译 - Boilerform是一点HTML和CSS样板,可减轻使用表单的麻烦。
Decode All Bases - Base Scheme Decoder
Python codecs extension featuring CLI tools for encoding/decoding anything
#安卓#🍁 Base是针对于Android开发封装好一些常用的基类,主要包括通用的Adapter、Activity、Fragment、Dialog等、和一些常用的Util类,只为更简单。
#算法刷题#🍀 c++ standalone header-only basic library. || c++头文件实现无第三方依赖基础库
#前端开发#Greenbone Security Assistant - The web frontend for the Greenbone Community Edition
Forked & Customized🚀Pumpfun 🚀Smart Contract, 🚀pumpfun(pump.fun) smart contract, pumpfun smart contract, forking pump.fun smart contract pumpfun smart contract pumpfun smart contract pumpfun smart c...