#安卓#Android 技术中台,但愿人长久,搬砖不再有
翻译 - 高级模板项目
#安卓#Android 技术中台 Kotlin 版本,但愿人长久,搬砖不再有
🔥BaseFramework是一款基础适配框架,包含沉浸式适配、对 Activity、Fragment 以及 Adapter 的封装,并提供了一些诸如权限申请、跳转、延时操作、提示、日志输出等小工具,以方便快速构建 Android App
#安卓#🍁 Base是针对于Android开发封装好一些常用的基类,主要包括通用的Adapter、Activity、Fragment、Dialog等、和一些常用的Util类,只为更简单。
#安卓#A powerful multi-function library that extended base activity for Android!
#安卓#MVP skeleton builder, Kotlin-implemented and AndroidX compliant
#安卓#Base Sample Project for Multi-modules Android App. Kotlin, MVVM, Koin, Retrofit2, Coroutines, Jetpack Navigation, Repository Pattern, Navigation Module, Network Module(with Adapter), Di Module, Featur...
#安卓#There is one more implementation of Android MVP pattern.
#安卓#Android Core Library to support Android projects with MVVM architecture
#安卓#The goal of this project is to help you in your development.
Integrated RxJava, RxAndroid, Kotlin, Some Application manager utils.
I this project we demonstrate MVVM Architecture with Data Binding and Kotiln Coroutines