#安卓#Elder driver Xposed Framework.
翻译 - 老司机Xposed Framework。
#安卓#A library that provides access to Android hidden APIs and internal resources.
#安卓#Companion Android application for EdXposed
翻译 - 适用于EdXposed的同伴Android应用程序
🏆Explore Android performance optimization in depth(continuous updating ...)
🔥BaseFramework是一款基础适配框架,包含沉浸式适配、对 Activity、Fragment 以及 Adapter 的封装,并提供了一些诸如权限申请、跳转、延时操作、提示、日志输出等小工具,以方便快速构建 Android App
#安卓#QuadraInspect is an Android framework that integrates AndroPass, APKUtil, and MobFS, providing a powerful tool for analyzing the security of Android applications.
(Deprecated) SAF(Simple Android Framework)是一个简单的android框架,它为开发Android app提供了基础性组件。
#安卓#A IPC Invoker for Android Development.
#安卓#每个 Android 开发都要收藏的系统适配手册,带你全面体系化地解读 Android 系统更新
#安卓#Android blog, analysis Android framework source code. Flutter
#安卓#Easily install the security-hardened Mulch SystemWebView from DivestOS
#安卓#Easily install the privacy-hardened Bromite SystemWebView without Magisk
#安卓#A custom SystemUI Android Application that shows screen decoration windows across other android apps.
#安卓#MiPush Xposed Enhancement Module
#安卓#Toolset which makes possible hiddenly inject code in apps through system libraries
#安卓#Intro to Media Playback using ExoPlayer
#安卓#An AIDL interface scanning tool for Android source code.