The world's most versatile desktop notifications framework 🌎
翻译 - 世界上最通用的桌面通知框架:earth_americas:
⛔️ DEPRECATED - Dependency-free notification library that makes it easy to create alert - success - error - warning - information - confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog.
翻译 - 无依赖通知库,可以轻松创建警报-成功-错误-警告-信息-确认消息,作为标准警报对话框的替代方案。
🪽 An open, easy, fast, reliable and battery-efficient solution for real-time communications
翻译 - 服务器发送的实时更新:协议和参考实现
Go 学习、Go 进阶、Go 实用工具类、Go DDD 项目落地、Go-kit 、Go-Micro 、Go 推送平台、微服务实践
A proxy server for adding push to your API, used at the core of Fastly's Fanout service
翻译 - 实时Web服务的反向代理
Tired of pushing to test your .gitlab-ci.yml?
#时序数据库#High-performance time-series aggregation for PostgreSQL
翻译 - PostgreSQL的高性能时序聚合
🐉 A macOS, Linux, Windows app to test push notifications on iOS and Android
Corvusoft's Restbed framework brings asynchronous RESTful functionality to C++14 applications.
翻译 - Corvusoft的Restbed框架为C ++ 11应用程序带来了异步RESTful功能。
#安卓#React Native Library for OneSignal Push Notifications Service
Standalone PHP library for easy devices notifications push.
⭐ Angular tool-box! Start your PWA in two steps! Add Serverless support for existing projects and much more
翻译 - :star:角工具箱!分两步启动您的PWA!添加对现有项目的无服务器支持等等