Corvusoft's Restbed framework brings asynchronous RESTful functionality to C++14 applications.
翻译 - Corvusoft的Restbed框架为C ++ 11应用程序带来了异步RESTful功能。
A curated list of Websocket libraries and resources.
#区块链#DEPRECATED — The Coinbase Pro trading toolkit
翻译 - Coinbase Pro交易工具包
#区块链#WebSocket client for 38 cryptocurrency exchanges
A Promise-based API for WebSockets
Realtime Bitcoin transaction visualizer
Poloniex API client for REST and WebSocket API
迅飞 语音听写 WebAPI - 把语音(≤60秒)转换成对应的文字信息,让机器能够“听懂”人类语言,相当于给机器安装上“耳朵”,使其具备“能听”的功能。
API Wrapper for the Binance cryptocurrency exchange written in Ruby.
This project provides a Java client library for the Bitfinex WebSocket API (v2). Public and private channels (candles, ticks, executed trades, (raw) orderbooks, orders, and wallets) are implemented.
Public websocket API to get datas from financial markets
Raw TCP and UDP Sockets API on Desktop Browsers
A simple daemon to expose USB Barcode Scanner data to other services using Websockets, Webhooks or MQTT.
Bitcoin and Ethereum price API integration examples in csharp, java, nodejs, golang, python, php and ruby
🌤 A clean, async-friendly library for interacting with the Ambient Weather API
Go library for using the Deribit's Websocket API
Makes websocket's API just like REST with Promise-like API, with native Promises.
Go implementation of a Web Thing server