#区块链#privkey hunt for crypto currencies that use secp256k1 elliptic curve
Automated Bittrex crypto-currency technical analysis and trading tool
#区块链#RavenCoin Wallet including CPU and GPU miners! programs are directly from Ravencoin and official miner sources
This project provides a Java client library for the Bitfinex WebSocket API (v2). Public and private channels (candles, ticks, executed trades, (raw) orderbooks, orders, and wallets) are implemented.
#区块链#Cryptocurrencies price data collection, price tickers, signals notifications, charts, Telegram bot and more.
#自然语言处理#A curated list of valuable resources from our studies at the University of Tehran (UT), School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)
Live and historical prices for fiat currencies, crypto currencies and gold/silver over REST and WebSocket APIs, using Redis as storage. Node.js, jQuery, Bootstrap
#区块链#A module for Michael Teeuw's MagicMirror project that displays your crypto-currencies Coinbase balance.
#区块链#Help you funding the creators and projects you appreciate with crypto currencies.
#区块链#A Tmux plugin to monitor crypto currency prices.
A toy blockchain based transaction ledger written in Scala using the Actor model for distributed computation.
A simple script for including the price of crypto-currencies 💰 in your Gnu/Linux XFCE panel.
A free, near real-time, RestAPI for providing price data for stocks (FTSE100, NASDAQ), crypto-currencies, funds and Precious metals (GOLD, SILVER).
#区块链#A simple kotlin program to display the balance of your crypto currencies in Euro or Dollar.
#区块链#Coinspy aids crypto-currency investors by fetching exchange rates and pushing them to devices via Pushover. For fetching exchange rates, multiple providers and markets are supported.
A tiny status bar widget that displays the latest prices of crypto-currencies
Crypto currency price checking app.
Simple example about how to Asynchronous Call using Retrofit and Observables in Kotlin