PHPMailer 是一款流行、功能齐全的 PHP 电子邮件发送库
Corvusoft's Restbed framework brings asynchronous RESTful functionality to C++14 applications.
翻译 - Corvusoft的Restbed框架为C ++ 11应用程序带来了异步RESTful功能。
Cross-platform, efficient, customizable, and robust asynchronous HTTP(S)/WebSocket server C++ library with the right balance between performance and ease of use
TLS Support for SwiftNIO, based on BoringSSL.
翻译 - 基于BoringSSL的SwiftNIO的TLS支持。
Connect to your mattermost or slack using your IRC-client of choice.
Redli - A humane alternative to the Redis-cli and TLS
A light-weight, modular, message representation and mail delivery framework for Python.
HRShell is an HTTPS/HTTP reverse shell built with flask. It is an advanced C2 server with many features & capabilities.
HttpCanary with SSL support
WinINet wrapper - tiny windows HTTPS library, no dependencies. 封装了WinInet的强大http请求库 make POST and GET requests
opinionated TLS client & server PKI management tool
#安全#A collection of awesome framework, libraries, learning tutorials, videos, webcasts, technical resources and cool stuff about SSL / TLS
Non-blocking HTTP library for Ruby
C++ HTTP/REST/Websocket framework based on Nanomsg NG.
Tool for MS SQL Man In The Middle attack which supports TLS encryption.
C++ socket and address library
Easy MQTT Handler is a MQTT Client implemented in Python3 that will connect to a MQTT Broker, listening for freely configurable messages and reacting by executing arbitrary pre-defined commands. It c...
✅ Check the TLS protocol support of one or more web servers
SweetSSL is a lightweight easy to use reverse proxy written in Go that provides FREE Let's Encrypt SSL certificates
The distributed statistical machine translation infrastructure consisting of load balancing, text pre/post-processing and translation services. Written in C++ 11 and utilises multicore CPUs by employi...