✉️ Send e-mails with Node.JS – easy as cake!
翻译 - Node️使用Node.JS发送电子邮件–就像蛋糕一样容易!
📫 A serverless email server on AWS using S3 and SES
翻译 - AWS使用S3和SES的AWS上的无服务器电子邮件服务器
Transactional email server with a lovely web interface
📫 An open source temporary email tool. 只需一个域名部署临时邮箱,支持多域名后缀,密码找回。
#Awesome#Awesome Opensource Email Resources
E-Mail Header Analyzer
MBomb(Gmail To Gmail) Mail Bombing! Send Unlimited Bombing!
Send email across all platforms using one interface
Great script for sending and spaming emails! gmail, yahoo, outlook, hotmail.
MASTER-BOMBER2.O is an online tool which can help you to prank your friends. By using this tool you can send huge amount of sms , call and email to your friends.
A light-weight, modular, message representation and mail delivery framework for Python.
VMime Mail Library
📪 An interactive emailing management service with scheduling, templating, tracking and A/B testing.
翻译 - 📪具有计划,模板,跟踪和A / B测试的交互式电子邮件管理服务。
a easy solution for simple IMAP email access in php
A voice assistant 🗣️ which can be used to interact with your computer 💻 and controls your pc operations 🎛️
The project “IT Company Website” is a responsive website made using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript.
Makes sending emails easy and DRY — For Python 3.
翻译 - 使发送电子邮件变得简单而又干燥-适用于Python 3。