高颜值的第三方网易云播放器,支持 Windows / macOS / Linux :electron:
An upgradable boilerplate for Progressive web applications (PWA) with server side rendering, build with SEO in mind and achieving max page speed and optimized user experience.
#编辑器#The web open source editor for presentations
OpenNote was built to be an open web-based alternative to Microsoft OneNote (T) and EverNote.
⭐ Angular tool-box! Start your PWA in two steps! Add Serverless support for existing projects and much more
翻译 - :star:角工具箱!分两步启动您的PWA!添加对现有项目的无服务器支持等等
📠 A simple, fast and useful progressive web application
🎉 Demo for Progressive Web Application and its features.
翻译 - progressive渐进式Web应用程序演示,具有离线,推送通知,后台同步等功能,
An offline-first SPA using Vue.js, the WordPress REST API and Progressive Web Apps
Build lightning fast Progressive Web Apps with zero config and best practices built-in. Go from zero to production ready with Ionic and Stencil (Web Components).
翻译 - 内置零配置和最佳实践,可快速构建闪电般的渐进式Web应用程序。使用Ionic和Stencil(Web组件)从零开始生产。
It includes studies of the resources I follow to learn about programming. It includes 41 different case studies.
翻译 - 我从以下来源中获取了一些示例示例。
A simplified way to create a portfolio using GatsbyJS
An example for sending Web Push notifications, using web-push-php
📒 An offline capable Notepad PWA
Kiwix JS Offline Browser implemented as a Progressive Web App (PWA), and packaged as Electron, NWJS and UWP apps for Windows and Linux.
⛅️ PWA Weather App made with ReactJS
Angular PWA Course - Build Progressive Web Applications
A fully responsive progressive web app that I'm currently working on which will contain an about section, showcase, contact etc.
Easily add websites to IOS/Android/Desktop Homescreens.