Fourth iteration of my personal website built with Gatsby
翻译 - 我的个人网站的第四次迭代
A redesign of built using Gatsby.js with React.js, TypeScript, and Remark.
翻译 - 使用Gatsby.js和React.js,TypeScript,Emotion和Remark构建的新Node.js资源。
Get high-quality and customizable Gatsby themes to quickly bootstrap your website! Choose from many professionally created and impressive designs with a wide variety of features and customization opti...
翻译 - 获取高质量和可定制的Gatsby主题,以快速引导您的网站!从许多专业创建的令人印象深刻的设计中进行选择,这些设计具有多种功能和自定义选项。
⚡️ A minimal Gatsby portfolio template for Developers
翻译 - ⚡️开发人员的最小盖茨比投资组合模板
👩🏫🐍 Starter repo for building interactive Python courses
翻译 - 🏫🐍用于构建交互式Python课程的入门仓库
Awesome Learning - Learn JavaScript and Front-End Fundamentals at your own pace
翻译 - 很棒的学习-以自己的节奏学习JavaScript和前端基础知识
Este projeto foi desenvolvido para contribuir com o open-source. Se você quiser contribuir basta seguir o README
翻译 - 开发该项目是为了对开源做出贡献。如果您想贡献,请遵循自述文件
A port of the WordPress Twenty Twenty theme to Gatsby.
翻译 - WordPress 20二十主题的端口移植到Gatsby。
Using HERE Technologies APIs, fork and build your own COVID-19 Tracker. For a live version, see the website.
翻译 - 使用HERE Technologies API,分叉并构建自己的COVID-19 Tracker。有关实时版本,请访问网站。
Postman COVID-19 API Resource Center—API collections to help in the COVID-19 fight.
翻译 - 邮递员COVID-19 API资源中心-帮助收集COVID-19的API集合。