A highly customizable Flowchart component for Vue 3. Features seamless zoom & pan 🔎, additional components like a Minimap 🗺 and utilities to interact with state and graph.
The No-Hassle CMS for Static Sites Generators
#博客#Markdown 批量导出工具、开放式跨平台博客解决方案,随意组合写作平台(语雀/Notion/FlowUs/飞书/我来Wolai)和博客平台(Hexo/Vitepress/Halo/Confluence/WordPress等)
cz-git | czg 🛠️ DX first and more engineered, lightweight, customizable, standard output format Commitizen adapter and CLI
#大语言模型#Embed AI chat dialog into your doc site to answer user questions based on your own content.
融合了 React 19、Webpack 5、React Router 7、Antd 5、Typescript 5、Tailwindcss 4 及 Fetch Api 的企业级中台基础模板,为大规模系统提供技术底座,助力企业数字化转型...
🌈 Fighting Design 可在 vue3 应用程序中快速构建交互界面,看起来还不错。(🌈 Fighting design can quickly build interactive interfaces in vue3 applications, which looks good.)
A place to record memories, knowledge and ideas | 记录回忆,知识和畅想的地方
#博客#✍️📚我写博客的地方🤪🤪🤪记录随笔与学习笔记,仓库包含:博客内容,博客主题、博客模板、vitepress离线全文搜索插件、VitePress RSS 支持插件;a blog theme use vitepress
✨ 集成 Vue 功能组件和主题美化的 VitePress 插件
#前端开发#一站式前端内容网站,包括学习路线、知识体系。用专栏形式更新,原创不易,Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
A bare-bones example of creating your own Vue component library.
基于 Vue3 + TypeScript + Vite 开发的常用基础 UI 组件库!全量使用 TypeScript 和 SFC!支持 tree shaking!若觉得好用,欢迎点个 ⭐️⭐️ 支持一下 🫶🫶